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Vusi’s Farm Raw Honey
Honey is more than a sweet tasty condiment but a healing source. Find out more about holistic honey and honey making process.
Vusi’s Farm produces 100% pure, additive-free natural honey. Our ever-busy bee colonies pollinate not only our strawberry plants but also produce sweet dark-golden honey.
Most of the plants that we have at Vusi’s Farm are essential oil-based and therefore highly water-efficient. At Vusi’s Farm, we are constantly doing in-depth research on what plants are best suited to the climate.
At Vusi’s Farm, we strive to make the whole honey-making process as beneficial to the bees as possible. Our bees are located in fixed positions on the farm in order to avoid unnecessary stress on our bees. Having the bees positioned in a fixed location helps a lot with their long-term health and vitality. We believe at Vusi’s Farm that “Happy bee hives equal busy bees, equals great tasting honey”.
Honey Making Process
Honey starts as flower nectar collected by bees, which is then broken down into simple sugars stored inside the honeycomb. The design of the honeycomb and constant fanning of the bees' wings enables the evaporation of water, creating liquid honey, which is capped at a 17% moisture content. The honey's colour and flavour differ depending on the nectar collected by the bees. For example, honey made from lavender nectar might be white to light amber, while honey from sage nectar may appear golden amber or even greenish-yellow, depending on the type of sage.
Vusi’s Farm produces 100% pure, additive-free natural honey. Our ever-busy bee colonies feed on nectar and pollen from the variety of flowering plants found throughout the farm to produce natural raw honey. The honey's colour and flavour differ depending on the nectar collected by the bees. After the honey is strained, it is bottled on-site in recyclable glass jars and dispatched to retailers.
Holistic Honey
Honey is more than a sweet tasty condiment.
The defensin-1 protein in honey promotes wound healing. Many products such as face creams, deodorants and shampoos also contain honey.
Honey may help to line the oesophagus and stomach, possibly reducing the upward flow of stomach acid and undigested food.
Honey can kill bacteria because it contains properties such as hydrogen peroxide and defensin-1 proteins.
Honey can be applied directly onto the burn wound or soaked in gauze before application to aid in the healing process.
Honey can be used to treat a wide array of illnesses, ailments, and injuries.